Monday was freyjas birthday and we were off to york to celebrate - we needed the two cars - we picked up freyja from her place in sheffield. we found parking in york - headed off to the cafe el piano for a vegetarian tapas meal. and then off to the dungeons via a shop which had a camel bracelet - what fun
the dungeon was fun but not too spooky. off to the nettle for tea
austin packed his bag as he is leaving from cambridge which we head off to on monday.
A packing of the car occurred. the vixen isnt particularly big and austin has lots of luggage and we needed to put ian and my bag and also frannie and jims bag in the boot and then put 5 of us in the car to launch our expedition to cambridge.
we made good time with the only interuption being a tractor pulling a long trailer for about 10 miles on a narrow windy road. there were lots of irritated drivers and passengers by the time it finally pulled off.
off to the pub for tea - by the river - a most relaxing spot.
walking is the order of the day while in cambridge and it takes about 30 mins to get into town.
yesterday austin had decided that he wanted to build a bear so we walked into town and found the build a bear shop - oscar bearington the 3rd was created and birth certificate delivered. he is heading back to kaori in japan with austin.
we then went and had lunch with peter and joan in their local pub. they seem fit and healthy - peter especially so - kept up with all of ians work doings which i find difficult to deal with as he has so many at present. spent the afternoon showing photos before heading back to gareth and tabithas for a steak and veg tea cooked by
this morning we walked into town again and had breakfast pizza. unusual concept - bacon and eggs tomato and cheese. austin managed to eat spag bog for his breakfast.
he has been bundled into the vixen with frannie and jim and is currently heading to heathrow for his flight back to japan - ian gareth and i are letting our feet recover before walking back into town - am getting my 10000 steps easily at present. hoping to go punting tomorrow morning before we leave for salisbury to catch up with the builders mother. ian has organised himself and me to go to london on sunday to see an outdoor performance of hello dolly in regents park on monday night - the forecast at present is for no rain but this changes daily so fingers crossed!!
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