up bright and early dressed and ready to go picnic to pack - frannie up earlier to produce ian and austin headed off in a taxi to the nettle pub to pick up the bright red e type jag which he had organised for jim and frannie to get to the wedding in
We organised ourselves to leave just before midday to head to bakewell ian myself austin tabitha and gareth got into our car and freyja jim and frannie piled into the jag
some where along the line my travel phone abandoned me a nice local picked it up and hopefully i will get it back tonight after his weekend away - fingers crossed
the bakewell traffic was busy as usual and we finally found a park and also jims family who had travelled from down south
frannie was starting to panic as she had lost us and was calling the travel phone and was getting no answer but freyja was dispatched to locate us and we all eventually found the registry office paul and carol were also waiting for us
the ceremony was short and lovely evie - jims 2 yo g daughter fell off a chair and so slightly delayed the start with her crying but all was good for the actual event
hopefully once we have worked out the new video camera we will put the video onto facebook -
we picnicked in the park for the reception it was a wonderfully sunny day after a week of drizzle we were very lucky
after a few hours of partying we went home to organise ourselves for a night out at the local pub - the 3 horse shoes
a lovely meal was had and unlike a week ago when ian jim frannie and i went -the weather was lovely and the views were fantastic
eventually we all fell into bed
we woke yesterday to organise for the friends garden party - about 30 were coming the weather once again behaved itself
we had sandwiches - vegemite fairy bread cheese cress - yes people do eat cress sandwhiches chocalate and also cherry cake - homemade by frannie and lots to drink
people came and people went but gill and her husband peter came they stayed for the evening barbque once again we went to bed late and full
we wake today in anticapation of the family roast lunch another 30 or so coming - i am doing my rice pudding and hopefully a frog in the pond - large version
the weather is behaving itself as we intend to eat in the garden
hopefully will get lots of photos of the extended family
up and ready off we go for day 3 of feasting!!
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