how could anyone abandon a small defenseless duck on a train in a box?
but someone did and I now have a new duck called George
He/she was left on the upfield line train in a box and was taken to the lord smiths animal hospital where my nurse's daughter is doing her Vet student placement.
Does any one know someone who might want an abandoned duck? So I got George

He/ she has moved in and at present is living in a large plastic box during the night and the spare hen house during the day.
He/she seems to get on with the other ducks and chooks but lucy would be quite happy to have him/her for breakfast.

Sweet and sour have grown lots and over the past week have decided to free range and have joined the chooks in wandering around the garden during the day. Most nights they go back into their coup but tonight for some reason they have put themselves to bed in the chook house - not sure that the chooks are impressed as they take up quite a deal of room and tend to dirty the water

Spring has decided that it might visit us and we have had some wonderful blossom

Goodnight George and Ian
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