we haven't had huge amounts of produce but then again i hadn't done a lot to prepare the ground prior to planting.
I am starting to dig in the mulch and cow poo ready for next summers plantings.
We should also by then have a fully operational watering system from water tanks so that i will be able to water more than 2 times a week.
we have enjoyed beans peas broad beans broccoli squash spinach and silver beet and a few tomatoes. but we have really enjoyed our potatoes and have learnt to microwave them and then roast them covered in a sprinkling of salt. I hope i have enough in the ground to dig up for next weeks Easter feast.
Last week however we acquired 3 chooks. They have been "rescued" from the local vet school. One of my staff members daughters is studying vet and the staff member announced that the school had left over chooks and did anyone want them. I had been researching chook runs and coops on google and was ready to go with knowledge but had to find a coop.
So last weekend we put together a flat pack chicken coop from bunnings - it was remarkably easy i must say- especially as ian did most of the putting together using his electric drill.

The girls - bubble, squeak and leftover moved in last Saturday. They will be pleased to know that they have names as everyone knows that you cant eat animals that you have named. They spent this week acclimatising and yesterday i was brave and let them out for their first free range. They stuck around that end of the garden - next to the veggie patch and last night needed only a little encouragement to go back inside the hutch. They didn't however need any second telling to come out this morning.
Krumm has been up for the weekend.
He has shown great interest in the chooks - i think however that they would have preferred a quieter weekend with no visitors
He got up this morning and had to make sure that the foxes hadn't got his girls - all was well
I am hoping to find a run extension on ebay so that they can have extra room to move around in when ian and i are working although i think that ross will soon play with them and let them in and out.

We are hoping for out first eggs in about a month as they arent very old at present. I am also hoping to get another 3 or so in the near future to keep them company - the vet school seems to have an on going supply.
We have got ourselves a tumble composter- i have never been able to make good compost but have been assured that the tumble ones work well. I have also invested in a worm farm. Emily is a bit concerned as it lives next to her bedroom but so far it isnt making any nasty smells and the worms seem not to have died - always a good start for a worm farm.
I have broad been seeds starting to grow ready to be planted. Full steam ahead for the next season of veggies.
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